[Openexr-user] OpenEXR usage survey
Drew Hess
2005-06-06 23:38:56 UTC
Hi all,

I'd like to take another informal survey of OpenEXR usage. If you're
currently using OpenEXR in production, or if you have a software
application that supports it, I'd appreciate it if you would let me

Florian and I will keep all the information confidential unless we get
your specific permission to disclose it to a wider audience.

Angus Taggart
2005-06-09 16:46:18 UTC
Hi Drew,

Shake4 supports reading/writing OpenEXR files.


Angus Taggart
Shake SDK/Engineering
Apple - Santa Monica
Post by Drew Hess
Hi all,
I'd like to take another informal survey of OpenEXR usage. If you're
currently using OpenEXR in production, or if you have a software
application that supports it, I'd appreciate it if you would let me
Florian and I will keep all the information confidential unless we get
your specific permission to disclose it to a wider audience.
Openexr-devel mailing list
Derek Gerstmann
2005-06-10 00:41:10 UTC

The next version of Jitter (v1.5), our visual programming
environment for new media, uses OpenEXR and supports
arbitrary channels for uint/half/float datatypes.


Thanks to ILM for developing and maintaing such a well
designed open source image library.


Derek Gerstmann
Jitter Engineer
Cycling '74
Post by Drew Hess
Hi all,
I'd like to take another informal survey of OpenEXR usage. If you're
currently using OpenEXR in production, or if you have a software
application that supports it, I'd appreciate it if you would let me
Florian and I will keep all the information confidential unless we get
your specific permission to disclose it to a wider audience.
Openexr-devel mailing list
Daniel Léonard
2005-06-10 00:51:08 UTC

I am trying to make a java decoder and encoder to work with JAI. It is
far from ready and on ice. I would appreciate more specifications,
especially the goal of many variables in the header.

Mark Schafer
2005-06-14 03:50:44 UTC
Right Hemisphere's application Deep Exploration reads and writes OpenEXR
format images.
It allows for their display.
It can also make them up from a sequence of stills using our own

Cheers, MarkS...

-----Original Message-----
From: openexr-devel-bounces+mark.schafer=***@nongnu.org
g] On Behalf Of Drew Hess
Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2005 11:39 a.m.
To: openexr-***@nongnu.org; openexr-***@nongnu.org
Subject: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR usage survey

Hi all,

I'd like to take another informal survey of OpenEXR usage. If you're
currently using OpenEXR in production, or if you have a software
application that supports it, I'd appreciate it if you would let me

Florian and I will keep all the information confidential unless we get
your specific permission to disclose it to a wider audience.

Rafal Mantiuk
2005-06-15 14:04:09 UTC
pfstools 1.2 can convert OpenEXR frames to several HDR and LDR formats
(RGBE, logLuv tiff, PNM, pnm, jpeg, png), apply one of the several
filters (resize, rotate, gamma correction, padding, cropping, etc.) and
view them in a quite convenient hdr image viewer.


pfstools is a base for several other software packages developed at MPI
Informatik, such as pfstmo, which is an implementation of several tone
mapping operators, or hdrvdp, which is a Visual Difference Predictor for
HDR images.

pfstools are GPLed.

A link to pfstools at the OpenEXR web page would be welcome.

Post by Drew Hess
Hi all,
I'd like to take another informal survey of OpenEXR usage. If you're
currently using OpenEXR in production, or if you have a software
application that supports it, I'd appreciate it if you would let me
Florian and I will keep all the information confidential unless we get
your specific permission to disclose it to a wider audience.
Openexr-devel mailing list
Christophe Lorenz
2005-07-07 08:10:14 UTC
We have designed a color grading software named Coloris that uses
OpenEXR as input/output (among others) and does all processes in half16
on the GPU.

Usual realtime color grading features... pans&scan, primaries,
secondaries, shapes, keyframable stuff... plus some funny stuff like
programmable pipeline, keying and special effects.

I must say that the half16 format is really great for image
manipulation. You can really do crazy stuff without loosing a bit....
And with OpenEXR format, we can now keep all that fun on disk with
minimal disk usage ;-)

Post by Drew Hess
Hi all,
I'd like to take another informal survey of OpenEXR usage. If you're
currently using OpenEXR in production, or if you have a software
application that supports it, I'd appreciate it if you would let me
Florian and I will keep all the information confidential unless we get
your specific permission to disclose it to a wider audience.
Openexr-devel mailing list
Lorenz Christophe - R&D
ACE Digital House
Schiphollaan 2 - 1140 Brussels - Belgium
T: +32 2 735 60 20 F: +32 2 734 09 63

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