We have designed a color grading software named Coloris that uses
OpenEXR as input/output (among others) and does all processes in half16
on the GPU.
Usual realtime color grading features... pans&scan, primaries,
secondaries, shapes, keyframable stuff... plus some funny stuff like
programmable pipeline, keying and special effects.
I must say that the half16 format is really great for image
manipulation. You can really do crazy stuff without loosing a bit....
And with OpenEXR format, we can now keep all that fun on disk with
minimal disk usage ;-)
Post by Drew HessHi all,
I'd like to take another informal survey of OpenEXR usage. If you're
currently using OpenEXR in production, or if you have a software
application that supports it, I'd appreciate it if you would let me
Florian and I will keep all the information confidential unless we get
your specific permission to disclose it to a wider audience.
Openexr-devel mailing list
Lorenz Christophe - R&D
ACE Digital House
Schiphollaan 2 - 1140 Brussels - Belgium
T: +32 2 735 60 20 F: +32 2 734 09 63
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