Post by Michael WolfThe only problem I see is that it would not allow older importers
that don't support layers to load any data.
How about an attribute "Stereoscopic", which defines the name for
the other layer.
Stereoscopic = "right"
Stereoscopic = "left"
and older loaders could at least display something?
I see your point.
The technique of having an attribute that provides meaning to the
channels/layers could work; but one could argue that it shuffles the
problem to a new location instead of solving it.
I started this thread because I need to have some way to recognize in
general the meaning of channel names. R G B A Z have de-facto meant
red, green, blue, alpha, and depth -- except when "red", "green",
"blue", or "alpha" are used (so far always in a layer) in which case
those replace R G B A. The problem is exacerbated by stereo which is
similarly plagued by ambiguities in channel naming.
So, we have three choices:
1) Ignore the issue: a de-facto standard will emerge or there will be
annoyances with one or more facilities or tools writing EXRs that are
readable but not necessarily interpretable by others.
2) Agree on a semantic tagging mechanism. Either add additional per-
channel information in the file format itself or agree on an
attribute which maps channel names to semantic keywords/tags. In this
case, channel names are completely decoupled from their
interpretation. The EXR spec or a third party document explicitly
indicates a handful of tags (RED709, GREEN709, BLUE709,
PREMULT_ALPHA, DEPTH_METERS, LEFT, RIGHT) which could be combined
(e.g. RED709 RIGHT).
3) Agree on a channel naming convention or include a convention which
is part of the EXR spec. Certain names are defined to mean something:
R == red, etc. EXR implicitly does this with the layerless R G B A
channels already.
I would argue that option #1 is a no-go: IMHO DPX and TIFF suffer
from similar problems which cause endless nauseating arguments. As
EXR becomes adopted by bigger players they may just decide this
without input and the results may be designed by a committee.
I think a combination of option #2 and #3 is in order:
Declare the R G B A are reserved to mean linear light Rec709 red,
green, blue + premultipled alpha *unless* chromaticities are present
in the header in which case they are tristimulous values which need
to be interpreted in conjunction with the derived chromaticity
matrix. Z is a depth channel indicating distance from the fragment at
the pixel to camera. This would require some changes for people using
"red", "green", "blue" to mean R G and B in their layers.
In addition, one or more attributes ala Michael's suggestion can be
present which provides interpretation information per-channel. These
would map channel names to values. Not all channels need be present
in any map. The EXR spec or a similar document would clearly indicate
some of the per-channel map names and their values (e.g.,
"PerChannelUnits" has "centimeters", "meters", "kilometers", "feet",
"yards", etc.).
And the ones we just discused: "PerChannelCamera" which maps
"channelname" = "left" or "right" or "center". Along with
"PerChannelCameraMatrix" or some such.