[Openexr-user] How to combine multiple exposed images?
Josef Grunig
2005-10-04 18:48:05 UTC
Hi to all,

I'm a newbye to OpenEXR and would like to create my first HDR image.
I've read that a way of creating HDR images is assembling multiple
exposed (with different f-stops) images. I didn't find how this
"combining" has to be done. Can you tell me more?

Thanks a lot!
Josef Grunig
Josef Grunig
2005-10-04 20:38:29 UTC
Hi Josef
Try using Artizen HDR to create your HDR images. It is probably
the most flexible HDR editor available to date.
Yours Truly Tom
P.S You will also find tutorials on how to create HDR images in both Video
and Text. The program is in the final beta stage, so it should be more than
stable enough most of your usages.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: [Openexr-user] How to combine multiple exposed images?
Post by Josef Grunig
Hi to all,
I'm a newbye to OpenEXR and would like to create my first HDR image.
I've read that a way of creating HDR images is assembling multiple
exposed (with different f-stops) images. I didn't find how this
"combining" has to be done. Can you tell me more?
Thanks a lot!
Josef Grunig
Thanks Thomas,

but my purpose is making my own C++ program that creates an .exr file
using the OpenEXR library and working directly on pixels. Aren't there
opensource tools or detailed instruction on how combine multiple exposed
Josef Grunig
Daniel Léonard
2005-10-04 21:16:52 UTC
Hi Josef,

I would suggest starting with this paper from SIGGRAPH 1997


and follow up with a trial of HDRShop v1.0.



Daniel Léonard
