[Openexr-user] RE: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR BOF at SIGGRAPH 2005
Wojciech Jarosz
2005-07-21 00:33:11 UTC
Hi all,
We now have a confirmed time and location for the OpenEXR
birds-of-a-feather. The session will be held at the Los Angeles
Convention Center in room 516 on Wednesday, August 3rd from 4-5pm.

Also note that it is not too late if you would like to give a short
presentation at the BOF. Please email your proposals to Drew directly.


-----Original Message-----
From: openexr-devel-bounces+wjarosz=***@nongnu.org
[mailto:openexr-devel-bounces+wjarosz=***@nongnu.org] On Behalf Of
Drew Hess
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:58 AM
To: openexr-***@nongnu.org; openexr-***@nongnu.org
Subject: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR BOF at SIGGRAPH 2005

Hi all,

Florian, Wojciech and I would like to host an OpenEXR birds-of-feather
session at SIGGRAPH 2005. We're still trying to nail down a date,
time and location, but I'd like to get started on an agenda.

Florian will be giving an update on OpenEXR color management, and
Wojciech will be telling us about the work he's doing this summer to
make OpenEXR more amenable to real-time playback. We'll limit these
presentations to 15 minutes, unless time allows for more.

If you think you'd like to give a short presentation + Q&A at the BOF,
no longer than 15 minutes total, please email me privately with your
proposed topic. If it looks like we're going to have too many
presenters given the allotted time (which I'm currently planning to be
2 hours max), we'll have the unfortunate job of selecting which
presentations get "greenlit," but we'll worry about that later.

Things you might want to talk about:

* "Stupid OpenEXR tricks," i.e., clever things you've done with

* How you've incorporated OpenEXR into your workflow.

* Problems you've had incorporating OpenEXR into your workflow.

No need to be limited to these things, feel free to propose anything
that's relevant to OpenEXR. There doesn't necessarily need to be a
presentation, either; if there's a topic you'd like to discuss amongst
the group of OpenEXR developers and users, you could introduce the
topic and then open the floor to discussion.

I'm not sure whether we'll have any audio/visual equipment at the
meeting place, so if you'd like to demo something, you should probably
come prepared with a laptop and expect that people will need to walk
up to it and squint at the tiny screen :) If it turns out we'll have
equipment, I'll post an update.

Speaking of demos... we'd love to see actual working code doing neat
things with OpenEXR, but we definitely won't accept any presentations
that sound like a commercial for a product. Doesn't matter if it's
open source, proprietary, or something in between. If you want to
demo or talk about your product that supports OpenEXR, please limit
the demo/talk to points that are relevant to OpenEXR. If you're
unsure, email me your proposal and we can talk about it.

Wojciech Jarosz
2005-07-21 01:36:56 UTC
We tried our best to schedule this in a way that would minimize
conflicts with other events OpenEXR users might be attending.
Unfortunately we cannot create a schedule that fits with everyone's
needs. We also do not have absolute control over the location of the
session. Hopefully there won't be too many problems.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Friesenhahn [mailto:***@simple.dallas.tx.us]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:29 PM
To: Wojciech Jarosz
Cc: openexr-***@nongnu.org; openexr-***@nongnu.org
Subject: RE: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR BOF at SIGGRAPH 2005

So you are going to make us choose between Linux and OpenEXR? The
Linux Movies event ends at 4:00 on Wednesday and is a block or two
away. So Linux users may be late ...

Post by Wojciech Jarosz
Hi all,
We now have a confirmed time and location for the OpenEXR
birds-of-a-feather. The session will be held at the Los Angeles
Convention Center in room 516 on Wednesday, August 3rd from 4-5pm.
Also note that it is not too late if you would like to give a short
presentation at the BOF. Please email your proposals to Drew directly.
-----Original Message-----
Drew Hess
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:58 AM
Subject: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR BOF at SIGGRAPH 2005
Hi all,
Florian, Wojciech and I would like to host an OpenEXR birds-of-feather
session at SIGGRAPH 2005. We're still trying to nail down a date,
time and location, but I'd like to get started on an agenda.
Florian will be giving an update on OpenEXR color management, and
Wojciech will be telling us about the work he's doing this summer to
make OpenEXR more amenable to real-time playback. We'll limit these
presentations to 15 minutes, unless time allows for more.
If you think you'd like to give a short presentation + Q&A at the BOF,
no longer than 15 minutes total, please email me privately with your
proposed topic. If it looks like we're going to have too many
presenters given the allotted time (which I'm currently planning to be
2 hours max), we'll have the unfortunate job of selecting which
presentations get "greenlit," but we'll worry about that later.
* "Stupid OpenEXR tricks," i.e., clever things you've done with
* How you've incorporated OpenEXR into your workflow.
* Problems you've had incorporating OpenEXR into your workflow.
No need to be limited to these things, feel free to propose anything
that's relevant to OpenEXR. There doesn't necessarily need to be a
presentation, either; if there's a topic you'd like to discuss amongst
the group of OpenEXR developers and users, you could introduce the
topic and then open the floor to discussion.
I'm not sure whether we'll have any audio/visual equipment at the
meeting place, so if you'd like to demo something, you should probably
come prepared with a laptop and expect that people will need to walk
up to it and squint at the tiny screen :) If it turns out we'll have
equipment, I'll post an update.
Speaking of demos... we'd love to see actual working code doing neat
things with OpenEXR, but we definitely won't accept any presentations
that sound like a commercial for a product. Doesn't matter if it's
open source, proprietary, or something in between. If you want to
demo or talk about your product that supports OpenEXR, please limit
the demo/talk to points that are relevant to OpenEXR. If you're
unsure, email me your proposal and we can talk about it.
Openexr-devel mailing list
Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Bob Friesenhahn
2005-07-21 01:29:11 UTC
So you are going to make us choose between Linux and OpenEXR? The
Linux Movies event ends at 4:00 on Wednesday and is a block or two
away. So Linux users may be late ...

Post by Wojciech Jarosz
Hi all,
We now have a confirmed time and location for the OpenEXR
birds-of-a-feather. The session will be held at the Los Angeles
Convention Center in room 516 on Wednesday, August 3rd from 4-5pm.
Also note that it is not too late if you would like to give a short
presentation at the BOF. Please email your proposals to Drew directly.
-----Original Message-----
Drew Hess
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:58 AM
Subject: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR BOF at SIGGRAPH 2005
Hi all,
Florian, Wojciech and I would like to host an OpenEXR birds-of-feather
session at SIGGRAPH 2005. We're still trying to nail down a date,
time and location, but I'd like to get started on an agenda.
Florian will be giving an update on OpenEXR color management, and
Wojciech will be telling us about the work he's doing this summer to
make OpenEXR more amenable to real-time playback. We'll limit these
presentations to 15 minutes, unless time allows for more.
If you think you'd like to give a short presentation + Q&A at the BOF,
no longer than 15 minutes total, please email me privately with your
proposed topic. If it looks like we're going to have too many
presenters given the allotted time (which I'm currently planning to be
2 hours max), we'll have the unfortunate job of selecting which
presentations get "greenlit," but we'll worry about that later.
* "Stupid OpenEXR tricks," i.e., clever things you've done with
* How you've incorporated OpenEXR into your workflow.
* Problems you've had incorporating OpenEXR into your workflow.
No need to be limited to these things, feel free to propose anything
that's relevant to OpenEXR. There doesn't necessarily need to be a
presentation, either; if there's a topic you'd like to discuss amongst
the group of OpenEXR developers and users, you could introduce the
topic and then open the floor to discussion.
I'm not sure whether we'll have any audio/visual equipment at the
meeting place, so if you'd like to demo something, you should probably
come prepared with a laptop and expect that people will need to walk
up to it and squint at the tiny screen :) If it turns out we'll have
equipment, I'll post an update.
Speaking of demos... we'd love to see actual working code doing neat
things with OpenEXR, but we definitely won't accept any presentations
that sound like a commercial for a product. Doesn't matter if it's
open source, proprietary, or something in between. If you want to
demo or talk about your product that supports OpenEXR, please limit
the demo/talk to points that are relevant to OpenEXR. If you're
unsure, email me your proposal and we can talk about it.
Openexr-devel mailing list
Bob Friesenhahn
***@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Robin Rowe
2005-07-22 16:58:00 UTC
-- Note that ICC Digitial Motion Picture Working Group Chairman Lars Borg
will be describing work on motion picture color management standardization.

Top motion picture studio technology experts presenting on August 3rd in Los
Angeles! A rare opportunity to hear and meet the real movers in Linux and
Macintosh filmmaking technology. Less than two weeks away. Sign up today!

- Disney Technology Manager Jeff Rochlin
- DreamWorks Animation Senior Technologist Skottie Miller
- SOUTH PARK Systems Administrator JJ Franzen
- Library of Congress Motion Picture Conservation Center Lab Supervisor
Frank Wylie
- Adobe Systems Color Technology Manager and ICC Digital Motion Picture
Working Group Chairman Lars Borg
- Pixar Director of Computer Operations Greg Brandeau
- Alias Maya General Manager Engineering Kevin Tureski
- NVIDIA Digital Film Support Philip Nemec
- mental images mental ray users group Leader Bart Gawboy
- SoftImage Special Projects Senior Consultant Javier von der Pahlen
- Apple Shake Product Designer Ron Brinkman
- D2 NUKE VFX Supervisor Jonathan Egstad
- Discreet Flint and Smoke Director of Product Management Bill Roberts
- IFX Piranha President Tom Benoist
- Imagineer Systems Monet Managing Director Allan Jaenicke
- UCLA dean and image processing expert Tony Chan

More info: www.MovieEditor.com

Beverly Hills, California
Wojciech Jarosz
2005-07-29 00:06:31 UTC
Hi all,
Just a friendly reminder that the OpenEXR BOF will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center in room 516 on Wednesday, August 3rd from 4-5pm.

Hope to see you there,
Post by Wojciech Jarosz
Hi all,
We now have a confirmed time and location for the OpenEXR
birds-of-a-feather. The session will be held at the Los Angeles
Convention Center in room 516 on Wednesday, August 3rd from 4-5pm.
Also note that it is not too late if you would like to give a short
presentation at the BOF. Please email your proposals to Drew directly.
-----Original Message-----
Drew Hess
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:58 AM
Subject: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR BOF at SIGGRAPH 2005
Hi all,
Florian, Wojciech and I would like to host an OpenEXR birds-of-feather
session at SIGGRAPH 2005. We're still trying to nail down a date,
time and location, but I'd like to get started on an agenda.
Florian will be giving an update on OpenEXR color management, and
Wojciech will be telling us about the work he's doing this summer to
make OpenEXR more amenable to real-time playback. We'll limit these
presentations to 15 minutes, unless time allows for more.
If you think you'd like to give a short presentation + Q&A at the BOF,
no longer than 15 minutes total, please email me privately with your
proposed topic. If it looks like we're going to have too many
presenters given the allotted time (which I'm currently planning to be
2 hours max), we'll have the unfortunate job of selecting which
presentations get "greenlit," but we'll worry about that later.
* "Stupid OpenEXR tricks," i.e., clever things you've done with
* How you've incorporated OpenEXR into your workflow.
* Problems you've had incorporating OpenEXR into your workflow.
No need to be limited to these things, feel free to propose anything
that's relevant to OpenEXR. There doesn't necessarily need to be a
presentation, either; if there's a topic you'd like to discuss amongst
the group of OpenEXR developers and users, you could introduce the
topic and then open the floor to discussion.
I'm not sure whether we'll have any audio/visual equipment at the
meeting place, so if you'd like to demo something, you should probably
come prepared with a laptop and expect that people will need to walk
up to it and squint at the tiny screen :) If it turns out we'll have
equipment, I'll post an update.
Speaking of demos... we'd love to see actual working code doing neat
things with OpenEXR, but we definitely won't accept any presentations
that sound like a commercial for a product. Doesn't matter if it's
open source, proprietary, or something in between. If you want to
demo or talk about your product that supports OpenEXR, please limit
the demo/talk to points that are relevant to OpenEXR. If you're
unsure, email me your proposal and we can talk about it.
Openexr-devel mailing list