[Openexr-user] OpenEXR v2 news
Piotr Stanczyk
2012-06-18 17:07:49 UTC
18th June 2012

We're pleased to announce the first public Beta release of OpenEXR v2.

Development of OpenEXR v2 has been undertaken in a collaborative environment (cf. previous github announcement) comprised of Industrial Light and Magic, Weta Digital as well as a number of other contributors.

Some of the new features included in the Beta.1 release of OpenEXR v2 are:

* Deep Data. Pixels can now store a variable length list of samples. The main rationale behind deep-images is to have multiple values at different depths for each pixel. OpenEXR v2 supports both hard surface and volumetric representation requirements for deep compositing workflows.

* Multi-part image files. With OpenEXR v2, files can now contain a number of separate, but related, images in one file. Access to any part is independent of the others; in particular, no access of data need take place for unrequested parts.

In addition, OpenEXR v2 also contains platform independent mechanisms for handling co-existing library version conflicts in the same process space. (Currently implemented in IlmImf)

Finally, a reminder that this is a Beta release and potentially incompatible changes may be introduced in future releases prior to the v2.0.0 production version.

OpenEXR v2Beta.1 can be found at: https://github.com/openexr/openexr/tree/v2_beta.1

Many thanks for your support

Hugh Macdonald
2012-06-18 18:20:55 UTC
Excellent - this is very exciting stuff - I'm looking forward to spending
some time with it.

Definitely looking forward to it being properly released and rolled into
the big tools, though!


Hugh Macdonald
*n**vizible** – VISUAL EFFECTS
+44(0) 20 3167 3860
+44(0) 7773 764 708

Post by Piotr Stanczyk
18th June 2012
We're pleased to announce the first public Beta release of OpenEXR v2.
Development of OpenEXR v2 has been undertaken in a collaborative
environment (cf. previous github announcement) comprised of Industrial
Light and Magic, Weta Digital as well as a number of other contributors.
* Deep Data. Pixels can now store a variable length list of samples. The
main rationale behind deep-images is to have multiple values at different
depths for each pixel. OpenEXR v2 supports both hard surface and volumetric
representation requirements for deep compositing workflows.
* Multi-part image files. With OpenEXR v2, files can now contain a number
of separate, but related, images in one file. Access to any part is
independent of the others; in particular, no access of data need take place
for unrequested parts.
In addition, OpenEXR v2 also contains platform independent mechanisms for
handling co-existing library version conflicts in the same process space.
(Currently implemented in IlmImf)
Finally, a reminder that this is a Beta release and potentially
incompatible changes may be introduced in future releases prior to the
v2.0.0 production version.
Many thanks for your support
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