[Openexr-user] Installing EXR onto Mac OSX
Glenn Castillo
2006-06-08 04:17:57 UTC
How do you install the Open EXR downloads onto Shake
for OS X? And which files do I use: the pre-compiled
files for OSX or Shake plug in or both? Or where can I
find the documentation for installations?
Drew Hess
2006-06-08 05:11:54 UTC
Post by Glenn Castillo
How do you install the Open EXR downloads onto Shake
for OS X? And which files do I use: the pre-compiled
files for OSX or Shake plug in or both? Or where can I
find the documentation for installations?
Hi Glenn,

What version of Shake are you using? Shake 4.0 supports OpenEXR out
of the box.

If you're using an earlier version, you'll need to compile the Shake
plugin. We only provide the source code for the plugin, not a
pre-compiled version.

We do provide pre-compiled OpenEXR libraries for OS X. They were
compiled with gcc 3.3 on OS X 10.3 (I think). I'm not sure which
version of gcc Shake 3.x uses; if it's gcc 3.3, then I think you can
use the pre-compiled OS X OpenEXR libraries. Otherwise, you'll have
to compile the OpenEXR libraries, too.

This thread from one of the OpenEXR mailing lists may help:


There are also lots of people on this list who are more knowledgeable
about Shake and OS X than I, so hopefully they can help you. You
might also try posting to the openexr-***@nongnu.org list, if you
don't get any good answers here.

Paul Schneider
2006-06-08 05:53:19 UTC
Hi, Glenn,

as Drew says, shake 4.0 supports OpenEXR natively. If you are using
an earlier version of shake, I have prebuilt plugins for 3.0 and 3.5


I haven't tried them in awhile, but they were working when I posted
them. Let me know if they do what you need.

- Paul
Post by Glenn Castillo
How do you install the Open EXR downloads onto Shake
for OS X? And which files do I use: the pre-compiled
files for OSX or Shake plug in or both? Or where can I
find the documentation for installations?
Openexr-user mailing list
Glenn Castillo
2006-06-09 18:20:08 UTC
Dear Paul,

Your install solved my Shake 3.0 problem. Thanks a
Post by Paul Schneider
Hi, Glenn,
as Drew says, shake 4.0 supports OpenEXR natively.
If you are using
an earlier version of shake, I have prebuilt plugins
for 3.0 and 3.5
Post by Paul Schneider
I haven't tried them in awhile, but they were
working when I posted
them. Let me know if they do what you need.
- Paul
Post by Glenn Castillo
How do you install the Open EXR downloads onto
Post by Glenn Castillo
for OS X? And which files do I use: the
Post by Glenn Castillo
files for OSX or Shake plug in or both? Or where
can I
Post by Glenn Castillo
find the documentation for installations?
Openexr-user mailing list