[Openexr-user] Can't Build Libraries Under Cygwin
Douglass Turner
2006-09-05 11:43:39 UTC
Could some kind sole please tell me the proper way to build the libs under
Cygwin. When I simply run ./configure & make & make install I get problems
with unresolved references when I link the resultant libs into my app.

Doug Turner
mobile: 781 775 3708
skype: dduuggllaa
Daniel Léonard
2006-09-07 21:15:54 UTC
Hello Douglas,

It has been a long time, and I am not in a position to check what I
did, but this is what I remember.

After configure, find the flags entries in the main Makefile and add
the option :


So that there is no dependences at all on Cygwin. That allowed me to
have exrdisplay as the default application for OpenEXR files.


Daniel Léonard
Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce
que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez,
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