[Openexr-user] At Siggraph 2007: An Update on the Academy Image Interchange Framework
Florian Kainz
2007-07-26 18:55:31 UTC
An Update on the Academy Image Interchange Framework

Session description:
The status of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ image
interchange project describing a color-managed framework for digital motion
picture images.

On Tuesday August 7, 2007 from 2PM – 4PM at the Omni Hotel in San Diego, CA,
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Science and Technology Council
will deliver an update on its project to develop a color-managed framework for
production, post-production, and archiving of digital motion pictures.

The presentation will provide an overview of the proposed framework, best
practices for digital encoding of color from film negatives, key image
transforms, considerations in the choice of color encoding methods and metrics,
and a description of a tone rendering algorithm for film style images. A
preliminary workflow example, implemented using OpenEXR and CTL (the Color
Transformation Language), will be discussed in detail.

All those involved in any aspect of digital motion picture production are
encouraged to attend to learn more about the work of this Academy project.

Date: August 7, 2007
Time: 2PM – 4PM (PDT)
Location: San Diego Omni Hotel - Salons A & B
675 L Street
San Diego, California 92101


Contact: ***@oscars.org
