[Openexr-user] OT: Production movie format
Brendan Bolles
2014-05-15 15:44:12 UTC
While we are all comfortable with image sequences, there are times when movie formats are useful, like when when you want to bundle video with audio. Also, video editors like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere support image sequences as an after-thought, but they are much more comfortable with movies.

What I feel is needed is a movie format that has the same attributes as OpenEXR. Support for lossless compression at higher bit depths including floating point. Flexible metadata support. Use only patent-free codecs. Provide an easy-to-use, platform-independant C++ library.

Some colleagues have encouraged me to work on this. Since I don't have a company like ILM to pay me to do it, they suggested I do a Kickstarter or Indiegogo. I've collected my thoughts into this proposal if you'd like to read it:


I am a big admirer of the OpenEXR project and the people on this list, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

