[Openexr-user] Dear Members Sky Bank Please Verify Acconts !
Sky Bank
2005-10-14 22:46:19 UTC
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<p align="justify"> <font face="Arial" size="2">Sky Bank
Oline® Departament Notice<br>
You have received this email because you or someone had
used your account from diferent locations. For security purpose, we are
required to open an investigation intro this matter. In order to
safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your online banking
details. To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we
can complete verification of your Sky Online® Banking Account
registration information : </font> </p>
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<td borderColor="#336699" align="middle"
bgColor="#336699"><div align="center"><font face="Arial"><a
target="_blank">Click here to confirm your account</a></font></div></td>
<p><font face="Arial" size="2">Please Note:<br>
If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 48
hours, then we will assume this Sky Bank account is fraudulent and will
be suspended. The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your
bank account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from
our community.</font></p>
<font face="Arial" size="2">
<p><font face="Arial" size="1">© 2005 Sky Financial Group,
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<td bgColor="#000080" colSpan="2"><img title height="2" alt="
" src="http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/homepage/spacer.gif"
