"Chris Cox" <ccox@ado= be.com</a>><br>
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
<title>Re: [Openexr-user] Photoshop Plugin importing as RGB/16 bit</title>
<font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10pt;">Again, Photoshop=
is a straight color application =E2=80=93 there is no such thing as color =
values when the opacity is zero.<br>
PNG is also well defined in it=E2=80=99s behavior =E2=80=93 and behaves exa=
ctly as the file format specification says it must.<br>
TIFF can support alpha channels (which can contain anything) AND transparen=
cy/opacity channels. It sounds like you have these confused.<br>
On 6/5/09 10:14 AM, "<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.co=
m</a>" <<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com</a>> =
</span></font><blockquote><font size=3D"4"><font face=3D"Times New Roman"><=
span style=3D"font-size: 12pt;">Hi Chris,<br>
Maybe I didn't explain this well enough. There really is =
a couple of issues here. So to explain further, I have an EXR file re=
ndered out of 3DStudio in a HDR scene. The scene is a landscape with =
buildings, hills, and a sky. The hills and buildings have an alpha of=
1.0, the sky has an alpha of 0.0. The RGB information is not limited=
to a 0.0 - 1.0 range... there are some color values that go up into =
the 5.0-8.0 range (for example bright reflections on the windows, and the c=
olor of the clouds in the sky).<br>
If I use the default EXR plugin in CS4 it creates an RGB/32 doc=
ument, but the sky comes in 100% transparent. This is great if I don'=
t need the sky, but there is color data for the sky in the EXR file. =
The sky is blue and there are white clouds. In After Effects I can al=
ter the way it deals with the alpha, and I have the choice to ignore the al=
pha if I so choose. In Photoshop there are no options to do this. The=
EXR plugin is not the only one that does this. The PNG plugin for ex=
ample also discards all color data where the alpha is 0.0. The TIFF p=
lugin on the other hand puts the alpha information into a sepperate channel=
. I can then choose to use that alpha however I wish. Sometimes=
it's nice to have the alpha pre-composited with the RGB data the way the P=
NG/EXR plugin works, but it would also be nice to have an option somewhere =
that modifies how Photoshop deals with alpha in an image. I would lov=
e an option in the main program settings that globally modified how all ima=
ge importers dealt with the Alpha.<br>
Now if I use the plugin on the OpenEXR website, it brings up a =
dialog where I can choose to Un-Premultiply, I can change the Gamma, and I =
can alter the Exposure. It also places the alpha into a sepperate cha=
nnel like the way the TIFF plugin works. I can see my sky and I have =
my alpha in a sepperate channel so that I can do with it what I please. &nb=
sp;The two problems I have with this plugin is that; 1) It creates an RGB/1=
6 document instead of a RGB/32 which clamps the RGB values and leaves me st=
uck with the gamma/exposure settings I selected during import, and 2) There=
is no 64bit version of the plugin.<br>
To recap, the default EXR plugin needs a user control for how i=
t deals with the alpha, and the OpenEXR plugin needs to open the image as a=
RGB/32 so that it does not clamp the color values.<br>
I hope this posting is more clear.<br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
From: "Chris Cox" <<a href=3D"***@adobe.com" target=3D"_blank">***@ado=
To: <a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com</a>, <a href=3D=
"openexr-***@nongnu.org" target=3D"_blank">openexr-***@nongnu.org</a><br>
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 6:37:24 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific<br>
Subject: Re: [Openexr-user] Photoshop Plugin importing as RGB/16 bit<br>
Re: [Openexr-user] Photoshop Plugin importing as RGB/16 bit </span></font><=
/font><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10pt;">Ray;<br>
Photoshop is a straight color application, and OpenEXR is defined as being =
premultiplied. This means that OpenEXR data has to be un-multiplied b=
y the transparency/opacity values to work in Photoshop. To a straight=
color application, there is no meaning to color values when the opacity is=
zero. If the opacity is non-zero, then the color values are there - =
just un-multiplied so they will composite correctly.<br>
Photoshop already handles the EXR =E2=80=9CA=E2=80=9D channel (defined in t=
he spec as opacity/transparency data) correctly =E2=80=93 it opens it as op=
What the Photoshop EXR plugin does not do is give you a way to open the tra=
nsparency channel as an arbitrary alpha channel, or to open channels other =
than RGBA.<br>
I=E2=80=99m sorry I don=E2=80=99t have a solution for you, but your post so=
unded like you were confused about the terminology and what was happening t=
o your data (enough so that I still don=E2=80=99t know what=E2=80=99s not w=
orking for you with the Photoshop EXR plugin).<br>
On 6/4/09 4:23 PM, "<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com= </a>" <<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com</a>> w=
</span></font><blockquote><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-siz=
e: 10pt;">I'm working on a project that is rendering 32bit floating bit EXR=
files out of 3DStudio. I'm then compiling these frames in After Effe=
cts in a 32 bit floating point composite and it's all working fine. T=
he problem I'm having is that I also need to composite some scenes in Photo=
shop CS4, and the default Photoshop EXR plugin is tossing out any data from=
the image that has a transparent alpha. I found the Photoshop plugin=
on the OpenEXR website and had hopes that it would do what I needed.  =
;Thankfully it knows how to handle the alpha channel properly, but unfortun=
ately the plugin imports the image into a 16bit integer document and any va=
lue above 1.0 is clipped. I can't use the exposure adjustment to acce=
ss the over bright details. Because of these import problems I have t=
o run each image through After Effects and do the exposure processing there=
, then export an image to Photoshop.<br>
Can the maintainer of the OpenEXR photoshop plugin please recompile a new v=
ersion that imports images into a 32bit document and maintain the full colo=
r range, or provide exposure controls in the plugin? Also, I could us=
e a 64bit version of the plugin for the 64bit version of Photoshop.<br>
Ray Collett<br>
--=3D=3D-- &nbs=
p; Ray Collett &=
nbsp; --=3D=3D--<br>
Technical Director; Newlands & Company Inc. www.nc3d.com<br>
Openexr-user mailing list<br>
<a href=3D"Openexr-***@nongnu.org" target=3D"_blank">Openexr-***@nongnu.o=
<a href=3D"http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/openexr-user" target=3D=
</span></font></blockquote><font size=3D"4"><font face=3D"Times New Roman">=
<span style=3D"font-size: 12pt;"><br>
</span></font></font><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10=
<br><br>-- <br><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10pt;">=
--=3D=3D-- &nbs=
p; Ray Collett &=
nbsp; --=3D=3D--<br>
Technical Director; Newlands & Company Inc. www.nc3d.com<br>
<font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10pt;">Again, Photoshop=
is a straight color application =E2=80=93 there is no such thing as color =
values when the opacity is zero.<br>
PNG is also well defined in it=E2=80=99s behavior =E2=80=93 and behaves exa=
ctly as the file format specification says it must.<br>
TIFF can support alpha channels (which can contain anything) AND transparen=
cy/opacity channels. It sounds like you have these confused.<br>
On 6/5/09 10:14 AM, "<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.co=
m</a>" <<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com</a>> =
</span></font><blockquote><font size=3D"4"><font face=3D"Times New Roman"><=
span style=3D"font-size: 12pt;">Hi Chris,<br>
Maybe I didn't explain this well enough. There really is =
a couple of issues here. So to explain further, I have an EXR file re=
ndered out of 3DStudio in a HDR scene. The scene is a landscape with =
buildings, hills, and a sky. The hills and buildings have an alpha of=
1.0, the sky has an alpha of 0.0. The RGB information is not limited=
to a 0.0 - 1.0 range... there are some color values that go up into =
the 5.0-8.0 range (for example bright reflections on the windows, and the c=
olor of the clouds in the sky).<br>
If I use the default EXR plugin in CS4 it creates an RGB/32 doc=
ument, but the sky comes in 100% transparent. This is great if I don'=
t need the sky, but there is color data for the sky in the EXR file. =
The sky is blue and there are white clouds. In After Effects I can al=
ter the way it deals with the alpha, and I have the choice to ignore the al=
pha if I so choose. In Photoshop there are no options to do this. The=
EXR plugin is not the only one that does this. The PNG plugin for ex=
ample also discards all color data where the alpha is 0.0. The TIFF p=
lugin on the other hand puts the alpha information into a sepperate channel=
. I can then choose to use that alpha however I wish. Sometimes=
it's nice to have the alpha pre-composited with the RGB data the way the P=
NG/EXR plugin works, but it would also be nice to have an option somewhere =
that modifies how Photoshop deals with alpha in an image. I would lov=
e an option in the main program settings that globally modified how all ima=
ge importers dealt with the Alpha.<br>
Now if I use the plugin on the OpenEXR website, it brings up a =
dialog where I can choose to Un-Premultiply, I can change the Gamma, and I =
can alter the Exposure. It also places the alpha into a sepperate cha=
nnel like the way the TIFF plugin works. I can see my sky and I have =
my alpha in a sepperate channel so that I can do with it what I please. &nb=
sp;The two problems I have with this plugin is that; 1) It creates an RGB/1=
6 document instead of a RGB/32 which clamps the RGB values and leaves me st=
uck with the gamma/exposure settings I selected during import, and 2) There=
is no 64bit version of the plugin.<br>
To recap, the default EXR plugin needs a user control for how i=
t deals with the alpha, and the OpenEXR plugin needs to open the image as a=
RGB/32 so that it does not clamp the color values.<br>
I hope this posting is more clear.<br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
From: "Chris Cox" <<a href=3D"***@adobe.com" target=3D"_blank">***@ado=
To: <a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com</a>, <a href=3D=
"openexr-***@nongnu.org" target=3D"_blank">openexr-***@nongnu.org</a><br>
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 6:37:24 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific<br>
Subject: Re: [Openexr-user] Photoshop Plugin importing as RGB/16 bit<br>
Re: [Openexr-user] Photoshop Plugin importing as RGB/16 bit </span></font><=
/font><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10pt;">Ray;<br>
Photoshop is a straight color application, and OpenEXR is defined as being =
premultiplied. This means that OpenEXR data has to be un-multiplied b=
y the transparency/opacity values to work in Photoshop. To a straight=
color application, there is no meaning to color values when the opacity is=
zero. If the opacity is non-zero, then the color values are there - =
just un-multiplied so they will composite correctly.<br>
Photoshop already handles the EXR =E2=80=9CA=E2=80=9D channel (defined in t=
he spec as opacity/transparency data) correctly =E2=80=93 it opens it as op=
What the Photoshop EXR plugin does not do is give you a way to open the tra=
nsparency channel as an arbitrary alpha channel, or to open channels other =
than RGBA.<br>
I=E2=80=99m sorry I don=E2=80=99t have a solution for you, but your post so=
unded like you were confused about the terminology and what was happening t=
o your data (enough so that I still don=E2=80=99t know what=E2=80=99s not w=
orking for you with the Photoshop EXR plugin).<br>
On 6/4/09 4:23 PM, "<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com= </a>" <<a href=3D"***@nc3d.com" target=3D"_blank">***@nc3d.com</a>> w=
</span></font><blockquote><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-siz=
e: 10pt;">I'm working on a project that is rendering 32bit floating bit EXR=
files out of 3DStudio. I'm then compiling these frames in After Effe=
cts in a 32 bit floating point composite and it's all working fine. T=
he problem I'm having is that I also need to composite some scenes in Photo=
shop CS4, and the default Photoshop EXR plugin is tossing out any data from=
the image that has a transparent alpha. I found the Photoshop plugin=
on the OpenEXR website and had hopes that it would do what I needed.  =
;Thankfully it knows how to handle the alpha channel properly, but unfortun=
ately the plugin imports the image into a 16bit integer document and any va=
lue above 1.0 is clipped. I can't use the exposure adjustment to acce=
ss the over bright details. Because of these import problems I have t=
o run each image through After Effects and do the exposure processing there=
, then export an image to Photoshop.<br>
Can the maintainer of the OpenEXR photoshop plugin please recompile a new v=
ersion that imports images into a 32bit document and maintain the full colo=
r range, or provide exposure controls in the plugin? Also, I could us=
e a 64bit version of the plugin for the 64bit version of Photoshop.<br>
Ray Collett<br>
--=3D=3D-- &nbs=
p; Ray Collett &=
nbsp; --=3D=3D--<br>
Technical Director; Newlands & Company Inc. www.nc3d.com<br>
Openexr-user mailing list<br>
<a href=3D"Openexr-***@nongnu.org" target=3D"_blank">Openexr-***@nongnu.o=
<a href=3D"http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/openexr-user" target=3D=
</span></font></blockquote><font size=3D"4"><font face=3D"Times New Roman">=
<span style=3D"font-size: 12pt;"><br>
</span></font></font><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10=
<br><br>-- <br><font face=3D"Myriad Pro"><span style=3D"font-size: 10pt;">=
--=3D=3D-- &nbs=
p; Ray Collett &=
nbsp; --=3D=3D--<br>
Technical Director; Newlands & Company Inc. www.nc3d.com<br>